(Multiple Browser Supported) Java applet using XHTML 'object' tag

This Java applet uses the Java Plug-in supplied by Sun. It has been tested and shown to work with the following browsers:
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Camino, Netscape, Safari, Konqueror, and Opera.

NOTE: Need Java 1.4 (or later version) Plug-in to run this applet, so if it does not work, get the latest Java Plug-in here.

This browser does not have a Java Plug-in.
Get the latest Java Plug-in here.

Applet source code Sample2.java:: jar file Sample2.jar

This section gives the MINIMUM you need to know get a multiple browser supported Java applet working using XHTML object tags

Read the other sections for an explanation on how this works and a how to includes a discussion about how to include code that will assist the user if their browser does not have a Java Plug-in or has a very old version of a Java Plug-in.

Example Code

Here is the important XHTML source code


NOTE: (Extra Features for handling Java Plug-in problems)
The example code that follows uses features that aid the user if their browser either does not have a Java Plug-in or has an older version of the Java Plug-in.

Example Code
(using Extra Features for handling Java Plug-in problems)

Advantages of using the Extra Features for handling Java Plug-in problems